Not all of the information you provide is shared with the public. Some information is only seen by Spacehive and Funds you have pitched to.
There are 9 steps to creating a project, each containing different pieces of information relevant to your project. Some of these steps are shared with the crowd so they have all information needed in order to understand your project idea and make a pledge, and other pieces of information are shared with Spacehive.
The public pieces of information, and it’s important to share them, are:
- Project description – So Backers can read about your project and understand your idea.
- Images and video – An opportunity to shows the faces behind the project and what the final project might look like.
- Location – So everyone knows where it’s going to happen.
- Milestones – Outlines the timeline of delivering the project once the funds are raised.
- Cost items – Everyone can see how much the project will cost and where the money will be spent.
Information that is used for verification and Fund assessment only:
- Permissions to deliver the project from the landowner and where needed the Local Authority
- The details of the contractors who will be working to deliver the project
- Expected social impact the project will create once delivered
- Any additional information requested by Funds whilst making an application.
Visit some of our live project pages to get a feel of how your campaign will look once publicly visible.